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미국 텍사스 일본 만화 금지법 발의ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


이미지 텍스트 확인

Times of India
Texas to take action on ‘obscene’ anime, manga, and video
games: Everything you need to know
GAMING News: Texas is considering
bill to censor
content in anime
manga and video games, focusing on materials involving
3일 전
Otaku USA Magazine
Texas’ Senate Bill 20 Could Lead to Anime and Manga Bans
and Jail Time
Senate Bill 20 has some anime fans nervous because its vague wording could lead to anime and manga
and even fans behind bars.
3일 전
Times Nowy
Texas To Make ‘Obscene’ Anime Mangas And Video Games
Illegal? What We Know
Texas Senate Bill 20 proposes criminal penalties for possessing Or distributing
material involving minors, including animated .
5일 전
Screen Rant
Anime Censorship Hits New High as Proposed US. Law
Would Make Watching Some Shows Illegal
The censorship Of anime and manga has grown in the U.S
new Texas Senate
bill may make certain anime outright illegal
4일 전
Texas Senate Bill Could Get Rid Of Anime
Texas Senate Bill 20 raises alarms in the anime community; aiming to curb AI-
generated explicit content
1일 전

이미지 텍스트 확인

The Express Tribune
Texas bill targets anime and video games
characters in obscene content
Anewly passed Texas bill has sparked concern among anime and video game
Senate Bill 20, which Was unanimously approved by.
5일 전
Tokyo Weekender
New Senate Bill Could Criminalize Anime, Manga and
Games Featuring Underage Characters
Senate Bill 20
recently approved bill in Texas, could lead to several popular anime
manga and games being banned
5일 전
New Bill From Texas Could Ban Popular Anime Manga and
Video Games
Anew Texas bill targeting ‘obscene’ depictions of minors could impact anime manga
and games like Persona, Bleach and more
4일 전

미국 텍사스주 오타쿠 멸망 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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