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조니뎁 : 디즈니와는 알파카 1백만마리를 줘도 일 안해


이미지 텍스트 확인

Bredehoft asked,
Is Disney aware that Mr:
Depp has testified under oath that he would
not take another Pirates @f the
Caribbean franchise role for $300 million
and a million alpacas?
Newman said no,
and Bredehoft then asked if Disney
ever consider
‘paying Mr: Depp more than
8300 million and providing him with more
million alpacas to be able to obtain
his services for any future Pirates of the
Caribbean role ” This was too much for
Depp; who dissolved into giggles behind his
월 쥐도 일 안할거임 ^ 7
하지만 아프아이들올 위해서라면 언제든 책스패로우가 되켓다


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평균 평점 0 / 5. 투표 수: 0

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