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Norway bulks up artillery with new K9 howitzer agreement, tank contract set for year end – Breaking Defense
Norway’s investment in additional artillery systems fits in with a much larger land capability plan that will soon see the award of a production contract for new main battle tanks.
노르웨이와 K-9 자주포 4문 + K-10 탄약운반차 8문 추가계약 체결,
그리고 곧 2조원대의 K-2 흑표 계약도 체결 예정
대금중에 상당량은 현물 지급이고, 현물의 상당수는 뭐, 고등어?가 아닐지…?? ㅋ
노르웨이 고등어가 맛있고 건강에도 좋죠 ㅎ

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