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미국에서 자동차 절도범이 명확한 증거로 체포된 이유


이미지 텍스트 확인

올해 미국 미네소타주에서 20년된

2004년형 포드 프리스타 차량이 도난당함

이미지 텍스트 확인

차량 소재를 뒤쫓던 경찰은

폐차장 사장님이 어떤 여성에게 2천달러 (295만원)에

이 차량을 샀다는 사실까지 전달받았고

이제 용의자를 쫓기 시작함

이미지 텍스트 확인

그 과정에서 유력한 용의자로 뽑힌건 바네사였는데

폐차장 사장님도 이 사람에게 폐차를 샀다고 증언했지만

바네사는 계속 발뺌함

이미지 텍스트 확인

September 5, 2024, Detective Josh Steinbach, with the Blue Earth County Sheriff s Office
contacted by Investigator Andrew Konechne of the Brown County Shenff s Office regardinga stolen
Investigator Konechne advised that he had collected evidence regardinga theft of a motor vehicle by
Vanessa Yvonne Guerra in Brown County
Investigator Konechne had spoken with Victim
reported that someone had stolen his 2004 Ford Freestar van.
The van had then been
for scrapatanauto salvage business in Blue Earth County by Guerra
Investigator Konechne spoke with witnesses at the auto salvage business who stated that Guerra had
brought the van in and sold it to them
Through further investigation, Investigator Konechne was able tolocate ajournal belonging to Guerra In the
Journal Guerra states, Totally stole
car todayl Something
never thoughtof doing Fucking super
reakingout apoutit
Journal was dated
August 12,2024, the same day that Victim
discovered that
his vehicle was stolen
Investigator Konechne made contact with Guerra Guerra denied knowing that the vehicle was stolen
The vehicleis valued at approximately $2,000.

하지만 범행의 증거는 굉장히 당황스럽게 발견됐는데

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지금까지 이런 생각은 한 적 없었는데

그래서 씨x 존x 무서워”

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