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슈렉 모델이었던 레슬러


오래전에 만화 슈렉이 먼저 있었다네요. (왼쪽 아저씨가 슈렉 만화 그린 아저씨)

모리스 아저씨는 1903년에 러시아에 사는 프랑스 부모 사이에 태어났고

14개어 언어를 구사했으면

체스에 능했다고 합니다.

성격은 다정했다고 합니다.

The creator of the popular cartoon Shrek, William Steig, drew his character from the professional wrestler Maurice Tiye.

The real prototype knew 14 languages, played chess brilliantly, and despite his frightening face and great strength at first glance, he was a very modest and friendly man.

He was born in 1903 in Russia, in the Urals, into a French family, which in 1917 returned to France in connection with the revolution.

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