2022 하반기 세계 스마트도시 랭킹.jpg

2022  하반기 세계 스마트도시 랭킹.jpg

The sixth edition of the Smart Centres Index was published on 22 November 2022. SCI 6 rates the innovation and technology offerings of leading commercial centres, tracking their ability to create, develop, and deploy technology.
The SCI is a factor assessment index, combining a number of instrumental factors – data measures drawn from a range of data providers across the world – and assessments given by business and finance professionals of three dimensions related to innovation and technology in major commercial and financial centres:
Innovation Support – the support provided by regulatory and other systems to innovation and technology in a centre.Creative Intensity – the intensity of technology and innovation services and opportunities in a centre.Delivery Capability – the quality of the technology and innovation work that is taking place in a centre.
131 commercial and financial centres were researched for SCI 5 of which 75 are included in the index. SCI 6 was compiled using 138 instrumental factors. These quantitative measures are provided by third parties including the World Bank, The Economist Intelligence Unit, the OECD, and the United Nations.
The instrumental factors are combined with financial centre assessments provided by respondents to the SCI online questionnaire. SCI 6 uses 1,725 assessments provided by 269 respondents.
세계적 컨설팅회사 영국 지옌사가 발표한 스마트도시랭킹입니다 부산이 서울을 제치고 국내최고의 도시가 되었습니다
기준은 134개에 달하는 정량평가와 분야별 전문가 설문평가입니다

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